Spaniel Assist Rescue & Re-Homing
Forever Home Wanted
Name: Socks

I am looking for Socks Forever home , a home where you are prepared to give him the time, reassurance and understanding of his terrible start in life.
Despite his previous existence he is still forgiving of the human race .
Please read the foster evaluation below before applying.
Socks - what a beautiful, resilient, very forgiving young dog. Full of cheer and happiness. Wagging his tail sooo much he has split it. Good to do in everyway and learning again about freedom, grass underfoot, ruuning, sniffing, the sunshine, swimming - simply being "a dog".
Socks came into foster in a very sorry, pitiful state. The smell alone was unbearable. Living in complete squalor, surrounded by his own filth (potentially days and days of). Coat matted - between his toes, his ears were just a "clump", his backend and tail equally dreadful. It was a manic afternoon, once we had been advised, and kindly Dawn agreed for me to pursue his rescue.
Upon arrival, and a bootful of sick (!) in the first car journey, it was very obvious he needed a bath pronto. This showed me immediately his kind nature - as he put up no resistance, enjoyed the attention, even allowing for us to trim some of his hair. Sadly I was unable to remove very much due to the impacted state. Next day he was booked into the Vets to be castrated and whilst under, for them to remove slowly the worst.
He was a gentleman at the vets, and he returned looking much better, a lot more comfortable. I allowed him time to recover from his operation, and I have just clipped him completely out - to match the other areas, and he looks very dashing. His coat (now breathing) and on a balanced diet is starting to improve and show signs of shining as it should.
At home, he is lovely, somewhat obsessed with his crate, but he can be forgiven for that, as its all he has probably known. I was told he wasnt toilet trained (!), but he is pretty good to be fair, not without the occasional accident, but I giving him the respect he deserves and treating him as he were a puppy.
Good with other dogs, not bad on a lead at all, done very little off lead work due to his operation, but on a long line appeared to listen and return without mishap. Has basic sit stay - but everything is so exciting for him, so he would need someone with patience and understanding of his limited training/socialisation etc.
It was also listed that he guards, again I havent experienced anything remotely defined as guarding. I can happily remove things from him should he pick up. Perhaps it was hunger that gave this impression.
Bad (!) faults, he will jump up to inspect work surfaces. Yes he will jump up for a cuddle - but he only has little legs!
He deserves the BEST new home, he has so much to give, He needs a quiet household, people who are 100 percent committed to working on his training, he's a quick learner - so shouldn't be too difficult, He has lived with children (of what age I am not familiar).
Registration, home check , meet and greet and adoption donation applies